Roger Fisk

Win the market with presidential campaign tools

keynote speaker roger fisk

Roger Fisk began working for the first Obama campaign in 2007. He helped create and manage a nationwide grass-roots fundraising team that focused on low-dollar donor events and raised US$100 million in 11 months. He was directly responsible for coordinating and managing the media’s coverage of over 150 events across the country. In the first Obama Administration, Roger helped design and implement trade missions before working on the re-election campaign. Outside politics, he has advised many Fortune 500 companies on their PR and marketing strategies.

Masterclass overview

An interactive workshop with Roger Fisk brings you into direct contact with the lessons, tools and organizational strategies that propelled Barack Obama to victory in two presidential campaigns.

The benefits of this masterclass are multiple for every professional involved in connecting millions of people with ideas, products, movements and trends. Because the Obama campaigns were so different is directly connected to why they won. This workshop shows you how it all happened.

Value and expected outcomes

  • In-depth understanding of real-time communication challenges
  • Detailed understanding of Obama’s online strategy in a social media campaign – and lessons learned that can be implemented in your own situation to achieve your strategic business goals
  • Firm grasp of how to create news that communicates your core aims

What is covered?

  • Communications Strategy: how to advance your core message, maintain discipline through daily news cycles, learn how and when to react, and how to influence key demographics
  • Steady Leadership While Creating Change: both Obama campaigns are celebrated for their discipline. Learn how to make circumstances work for you and avoid distractions that decrease focus and motivation
  • Engaging and Motivating: tens of millions voted, but millions also volunteered for Obama. This masterclass shows how social media were used to build a movement that multi-million dollar television advertising could not defeat
  • Organizational Innovation: the Obama organization took the status of underdog and made it a strength. This workshop shows how to succeed in the face of doubt
  • Data as a Game Changer: the more you know about the people you already have, the more likely you are to get those you don’t have. This section examines how Obama triumphed through intelligent use of information about voters

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