Costas Markides

Disrupt your Strategy for Winning

keynote speaker costas markides

Regularly ranked among the world’s top 50 business thinkers by the Thinkers50, Professor Costas Markides is recognized as one of the foremost experts on strategy and innovation. His work explores how established companies can pursue radical or disruptive innovation and how they can compete with two business models in the same industry. He is currently Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship and holds the Robert P Bauman Chair of Strategic Leadership at London Business School, together with numerous consulting projects with clients all over the world.

Masterclass overview

Innovation is a word we are using too much lately, but things rarely change just because we bring this issue on board. There are some ‘sacred cows’ in every business that just can’t let you really think outside your box. In this masterclass devoted to Strategic Innovation, Professor Costas Markides works with your executive team to help you rethink some of the most orthodox assumptions, recreate a strategy for today’s new world and rebuild your organization to reach new targets.

As leaders, your top team will then have to work with your employees to win their emotional commitment to change – a quite separate challenge. Costas will enable them to make this commitment with techniques used by leaders like Steve Jobs and John Chambers.

Value and expected outcomes

  • Ideal mixture of world-class academic concepts and real-life business examples to trigger innovation where it is most needed
  • Inside track on some of the most inspirational recent case studies, examples, and best practices
  • Sincere discussion with your top team, sparking new ideas and insights
  • Putting your particular business in focus

What is covered?

Costas will lead you through a tailored series of discussions and exercises highlighting the most important elements of successful strategic innovation:

  • Assumptions and decision-making: Questioning is not enough
  • What are the sacred cows in your organization?
  • How to innovate: Focusing on your business and looking outside for ideas
  • Your organizational environment and changes you would like to see
  • Beyond Creativity: How do you know if your idea is any good?
  • Selling your ideas to win emotional commitment from your employees
  • The Knowing-Doing Gap and what to do about it

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