Bruno Marion

Thrive in Uncertainty

Keynote Speaker Bruno Marion

Bruno Marion is a futurist, an expert on global trends and innovation. For many years, he has been in constant demand for delivering keynotes, doing masterclasses for executives and providing strategic coaching to CEO’s on future trends, organizational shifts and radical innovation. Over the past 15 years Bruno has advised key executives from companies such as Airbus, AXA, Dior, Danone, Hermes, L’Oréal, Nestle, Reuters, Richemont, SAP, Siemens, Total.

Masterclass overview

Are you embracing the tusinami of change with fear and uncertainty? Do you feel the world is going faster than your ability to adapt? Are you afraid you or your company could be left behind?


In the Futurist Masterclass you will understand and master the most important trends of the future that will specifically impact you and your business.


The Futurist Masterclass will make you thrive in uncertainty, create new breakthroughs, and even benefit from crises in your personal life and your organization.


Say goodbye to drowning in the storm of changes, and say hello to a newfound clarity, vision, and confidence in your future.

Value and expected outcomes

You will:

  • Understand the difference between control and regulation and start to implement 1 regulation process now
  • Learn to be more resilient and to seize opportunities hidden in crises
  • Be empowered and get your team empowered in times of changes
  • Leave with a personalized action plan for you and your team to thrive in uncertainty

As Bruno says, its not anymore about knowing or not about the future, it’s about understanding and making sense out of the complexity of the system in an easily accessible way for everyone.

What is covered?

In a half to 1-day workshop, get inspired and design your own future, with new proven models and tools powered by cutting-edge science.

The Futurist masterclass will not only help you to understand the future, it will give you the tools to design your own future.

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