Allyson Stewart-Allen

International talent management, business and cross-cultural working

keynote speaker allyson stewart allen

Allyson Stewart-Allen is a guru in the fields of international talent management, business and cross-cultural working and is an often- interviewed media expert. Allyson is an award- winning Programme Director at Said Business School Oxford University and HEC Paris and a two- time winner of the Excellence in Practice Award of the European Foundation for Management Development for her talent management leadership programmes for Lufthansa (2009) and BAE Systems (2012). She is also the author of best-selling book Working with Americans.

Masterclass overview

Acquiring talent is one of the biggest strategic challenges for businesses. Finding and keeping the skills needed to create and extract value from your current and planned geographical markets is proving increasingly difficult, as is getting the most from your existing pool of talent. While you have staff with specific functional skills, they often lack the global awareness and leadership abilities in an increasingly networked and virtual world of work.

This masterclass will examine how you can win the war for talent by deploying a range of approaches which lets you and your organization align your future with your present inventory of skills.

Value and expected outcomes

  • Clarify and align your view of the quality and depth of talent needed for your business in the future
  • Develop the elements of your talent management strategy
  • Identify where your organization requires alignment of its attraction, retention and development of talent
  • Anticipate your likely level and types of talent strategy investments Plan for more global pools of talent
  • Prioritize which talent development tools to deploy
  • Make smarter talent investments by aligning those to the business strategy

What is covered?

Attracting talent

  • Social, demographic, economic trends in the developing and developed world shaping talent acquisition
  • Sources of talent & employee expectations

Managing talent

  • Essential talent needs for tomorrow’s company – creating global mindsets: cross-cultural fluency, managing global teams, embracing a diverse workforce
  • Motivating and rewarding performance: aligning incentives, retaining valuable people, performance evaluation and rewards

Developing talent

  • Identifying priorities and talent needs
  • Development tools: risks and rewards
  • Aligning development tools to expected returns
  • The business case for leadership skills

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